1 x 1 Daumen hoch von Vespasian

Frage:Abwarten und Teetrinken/Antwort 1

Aus Stupidedia, der sinnfreien Enzyklopädie!
< Frage:Abwarten und Teetrinken
Version vom 02:34, 30. Aug. 2015 von MiniLiter (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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As the queen of Great Britain and a slightly experienced consumer of Earl Grey tea and scones I can say it doesn't matter. It's just about the act of doing so, because, as the queen, each action of mine is seen as a symbolic act for some shit. Damn, I can't even wipe my ass without being in the news for promoting the fight against colon cancer! -.-

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg The Queen Flag of the United Kingdom.svg

Linktipps: Faditiva und 3DPresso