
Aus Stupidedia, der sinnfreien Enzyklopädie!
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So sitt ich on my table there

and schreib my little nifty text, over a really funny nightmare, where I'm pretty much verhext:

I'm gucking left, I'm gucking right, no Lehrer is there weit und breit.

Then I use the Möglichkeit and mache meine Beine ready, for the super Stiftefight, which I mach with Mrs. Maddy.

But the Maddy's pretty doof, so she's falling in the Hof. That was my Gelegenheit to win the fucking Stiftefight.

Then ich dachte „Oh my God!“ and hexte she the Hauswand hoch. Then I excused me very neat and ran zur toilet for Gebet.

I sunk on my wackling Knie and said „Help me god what's wrong with me“. Looking at the schmiery Wand, I heard „Shut up, witch, halt den Rand!“.

That was a very good Beweis of the big old Tattergreis, that I'm pretty much a witch, maybe that will mach me rich.

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Snocker15 •

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